Sibling rivalry, the competition between two siblings to prove one is superior to the other, is a major theme in Montana 1948. This sibling rivalry has David’s father and uncle, Wes and Frank respectively, in a face-off to prove to the family they are better; however, it’s not a competitive rivalry, for David claims, “… and when comparisons were made between those two, my father was bound to suffer.” With Uncle Frank inevitably winning, doesn’t make for a great rivalry. There is without a question a sibling rivalry theme present in Montana 1948, but it’s not a very competitive one.
• Sibling rivalry is prevalent in all ages. What are tactics to help stop rivalry, and are those tactics seen in our literature
The dispute of sibling rivalry occurs no matter the age of the competitors, but there are tactics to avoid the possible life-long controversy; tactics can be found in, FAMILY Feud, an article written by Denise Henry about sibling rivalries. Henry goes on to explain that sibling rivalries are common in households everywhere, but there are ways to avoid the controversy. For example, she says that in the midst of an argument you shouldn’t let it get out of hand, “If an argument really heats up, walk away before someone loses their temper and does something that he or she will regret later,” (Henry, pg. 14). Family bridges are burned in situations like this, for one heated comment could destroy a potentially strong relationship. Doing things independent is another possible tactic, “That way you get some enjoyment out of an activity without having it ruined by your rivalry with your sibling,” (Henry, pg. 14). I often use this method; playing Xbox in my basement, away from my sister always puts me in a comfort zone. Finally, Henry leaves the reader with a reassuring comment of, “As you mature and develop your own identity and interests that are separate from those belonging to family members, your rivalry with siblings will cool off. That may be hard to believe, but trust us, it will,” (Henry, pg. 14). Denise Henry does a great job of letting the reader know that sibling rivalries are universal, but there are ways to evade it and when the siblings mature the rivalry will cease to exist.
• Explain the differences between the two paragraphs.
The sibling rivalry between Wes and Uncle Frank in Montana 1948 is no different from those that exist in real life. The specifics of the rivalry may be unique but in the end all sibling rivalries are relatively similar and that’s why the tactics introduced by Denise Henry could apply. If Wes used some of these tactics, there is no doubt in my mind that he would have successfully avoided the tense rivalry created with his brother.
Check out Brian’s blog to see his thoughts on sibling rivalry.
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